Tag Archive | immune system

Anti-gliadin antibodies in autism

Gluten free diet is becoming increasingly popular across the Western society and even more so among those suffering from autism. ..Study by Dr. Lau and colleagues  from the Celiac Disease Center in Columbia University, New York, lends further support to the use of gluten free diet by autistic subjects.

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Does proximity to freeway traffic  increase risk of autism


All fish are not same: Low v high mercury fish   
Quinoa: one complete high protein food  Health benefits of probiotics and prebiotics
Antibiotics in meat: A case for organic food


FODMAP diet: one type of elimination diet to try
Zinc supplements boost immune sytem and reduce respiratory infections


Turmeric: A must-have healthy spice in kitchen.
Use of elimination diet in autism Food allergies and intolerance are not the same


Do cranberry and/or mannose protect against  urinary tract infections or UTI   Coconut oil repairs unhealthy skin

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Blog: Digestion, Health and Nutrition

Moms’ Probiotic Use Reduces Eczema

  • Probiotic use during pregnancy and early breast-feeding period is safe and effective in reducing the risk of skin eczema rash or atopic dermatitis in early childhood.
  • Authors speculated that maternal use of probiotics modulates immune structure/function  via the fetus-placental unit during pregnancy. Maternal use of probiotics does impact on gene expression in the placenta as well as the gastrointestinal system of growing fetus.

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Autism: Celecoxib COX-2 nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agent improves symptoms

COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib

  1. COX-2 inhibitor effective against inflammatory conditions like arthritis
  2. COX-2 inhibitors rebalance type-1 and type-2 immune dysfunction
  3. COX-2 inhibitors prevent death of brain cells
  4. Beneficial effects of celecoxib  in early schizophrenia (Muller 2011)
  5. Beneficial effect of celecoxib as adjunct to risperidone in schizophrenia (Akhondzadeh 2007)
  6. Beneficial effect Aspirin as adjuvant to usual antipsychotic treatment of schizophrenia (Laan et al 2010)
  7. Beneficial effects in major depression

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 Guide to Alternative Medicine and the Digestive System

Brain Disorders and Gut Bacteria Connection: Multiple Sclerosis Example

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Potential therapeutic strategies to treat multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases like autism if Gut Bugs and Brain theory is confirmed

  • Repopulation of gut bacteria
  • Immunization against bacterial antigens
  • Antibiotics targeted against specific pathogens
  • Probiotics to alter gut bacteraia balance to modify immune system

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More topics of interest

More topics of interest below or go and Join Facebook group: AutismItsGutStupid

Leaky gut syndrome and autism Gut Digestion are key to rising chronic disorders  
Causes of alcohol hangover Paleolithic or stone-age diet overview
GERD and asthma  GERD or chronic heartburn and acupuncture 
Effect of gut bacteria starts during pregnancy Does honey benefit cough?
Breast milk benefits and alternatives FOMAP diet: implications in health and sickness
Cranberry juice versus antibiotics for urinary tract infections ADHD: Causes, role of diet, gut and treatment
Migraine: triggers and natural treatments Food allergies and intolerances
Does Vegetarian diet reduce mortality? Nutritional supplements for liver disease
Does St Johns Wort help in Hot Flashes and menopause? Autism-Gut Axis: Role of maternal-fetal immune function
Do probiotics improve gut function and strengthen intestinal barrier? Health benefits of probiotics and prebiotics 
Is kava bad for liver Fish type, mercury toxicity & health v benefits: Farmed fish versus wild
Is fasting good or bad for health  Food triggers for migraine and helpful natural supplements
Is VitaminD deficiency a growing epidemic. maybe?  Mangosteen is not the same as mango 

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Other topics of interest:

  1. Autism, leaky gut and elimination diets
  2. Can probiotics strengthen selective intestinal barrier or leaky gut?
  3. Melatonin is not just for sleep. It helps gut too
  4. Toileting posture: Taking care of business well!

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Autism kids suffer constipation

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Several studies indicate that gastrointestinal disturbances are more common in autism/ASD. Despite lot of anecdotal data, the issue of constipation in such patients is mired in controversy.

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12 point autism treatment program

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